Workshop on Capital Market
Capital market, also known as stock market, is one of the
most promising areas of investment. It usually provides way more return than conventional bank deposits. Many of our students (that is, many of you) always wonder how
to invest in stock market. To help you out, your university is going to
organize a workshop, from which you can learn all those unanswered questions
that you have been looking for a long time!
On 3rd October at your university, a workshop/seminar on capital market will be held, with an aim to increase your financial literacy. Special
focus will be given on stock market, and you will get guidelines from real professionals on what to do
(and what not to do) when investing in the stock market.
We invite all the students to participate in the workshop. Especially, to those students who have chosen Finance as their major in BBA, this is highly
advised (not just recommended) to join this workshop.
Time: 10:30 AM (come early and secure a seat)
Venue: Fareast International University, Campus – 2 (click here to view map)